File Room: The Third Bloody Option

Welcome to the file room, where we keep all prior episodes of The Q Files. You may have heard this episode previously, but it's worth another listen while we work on bringing you fantastic new episodes.
In honor of the 130th anniversary of Lizzie Borden Murder Day, August 4, 1892, we hacked through the archives to give you the first episode in our three part Lizzie Borden series. The story of Lizzie Borden as only we could tell it. You've heard it before, but never like this.
Like the story of The Donner Party, Lizzie Borden captured the American imagination and stole the headlines of the papers that shared the news of their times. It was one of the most covered criminal cases in American history.
At the end of last season, we told you the tale of discovering Hester Foster's true story, a woman who history had turned its back upon. Nothing had been written about her. Lizzie Borden, the woman at the heart of this episode, had entirely the opposite treatment. It seems too much has been written about her; TV shows, movies, books, chronicles and particularly fictional tales that have muddied and muddled her real story. And in many of them, she is often portrayed as a monster. Maybe she was. However, in the 1890s, in Fall River, Massachusetts, a white, upper-middle class, unmarried woman, forbidden to work for pay by family and society...had only two options to obtain financial security, freedom from sexual coercion and independence....She could either inherit it....or steal it.
And then there WAS, one could say...that third bloody option.
The Q Files is a personal, purposeful, paranormal podcast about the highly strange and weirdly unknown. Join us on our queer adventures as we explore the people, places, and phenomena, outside popular consciousness.
The documentary series features astonishing stories about the paranormal, the supernatural, occulture, forgotten history, and the strange.
Be Weird. Stay Curious. These are The Q Files.
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